Saturday, April 30, 2011

Heirloom Gear Check list

Lets just start out with these for PvE. I shall hopefully post a PvP version later. If I remember.

Get these for any class/spec/armor type:
Basic For All

Dread Pirate Ring Ring (stamina, hit, crit, exp) Kalu'ak Fishing Derby

Discerning Eye of the Beast Intell/Mana Trinket (spell users only) 2725/75

Swift Hand of Justice Haste/Health Trinket 2725/75

Spell Users will want to look at this gear.
Cloth Gear (warlock, priest and Mage Itemization)

Tattered Dreadmist Mantle Cloth Shoulders (Intellect, Stamina, Crit, exp) 2175/60

Tattered Dreadmist Robe Spell Cloth Robe (Intellect, Stamina, Crit, exp) 2175/60

Tattered Dreadmist Mask Cloth Helm (Intellect, Stamina, Crit, Haste, Exp) 1500 Gold
Spell Leather (Balance and Restoration Druid Itemization)

Preened Ironfeather Shoulders Spell Leather Shoulders (Intellect, Stamina, Crit, exp) 2175/60

Preened Ironfeather Breastplate Spell Leather Robe (intellect, Stamina, Crit, exp) 2175/60

Preened Tribal War Feathers Spell Leather Helm (intellect, Spirit, Stamina, Crit, Exp) 1500 Gold
Spell Mail (elemental shaman and Restoration shaman itemization, paladins cry)

Mystical Pauldrons of Elements Spell Mail Shoulders (Intellect, Stamina, Crit, exp) 2175/60

Mystical Vest of Elements Spell Mail (Intellect, Stamina, Crit, exp) 2175/60

Mystical Coif of Elements Spell Mail Helm (intellect, Spirit, Stamina, Crit, Exp) 1500 Gold
Spell Plate (Paladins cry more)

O_o whistles Of course they wouldnt want to Have spell plate in the game

Cause only one class and only Spec of that one class can even Use the stuff. I understand why

There isnt any spell plate gear But it would be totally nice to Have for the Specialization.
Weapons Spell

Dignified Headmaster's Charge (mage, warlock, priest, druid) Spell Staff (Intellect, Stamina, Crit, Spell Power) 3500/90

Devout Aurastone Hammer (Druid, Paladin, Priest, Shaman) 1H Mace (Intellect, Stamina, Crit, Spell Power) 2725/75
Spell dps or Healer in cloth, leather, mail or plate

Ancient Bloodmoon Cloak (priest, warlock, mage, shaman, paladin, druid) Spell Cloak (Intellect, Stamina, Crit, Haste, Exp) 1200 Gold

Physical Damage dealers (rogue, druid, hunter, shaman)
Leather (rogue and druid[feral])

Stained Shadowcraft Spaulders Leather Shoulders (Agility, Stamina, Hit, exp) 2175/60

Stained Shadowcraft Tunic Leather Robe (Agility, Stamina, Hit, exp) 2175/60

Stained Shadowcraft Cap Leather Helm (Agility, Stamina, Hit, Crit, Exp) 1500 Gold
Mail (hunter and Shaman[Enhancement])

Champion Herod's Shoulder Mail Shoulders (Agility, Stamina, Crit, exp) 2175/60

Champion's Deathdealer Breastplate Mail Robe (Agility, Stamina, Crit, exp) 2175/60

Tarnished Raging Berserker's Helm Mail Helm (Agility, Stamina, Hit, Haste, exp) 1500 Gold
Weapons Agility

Repurposed Lava Dredger (druid, Shaman) 2H Mace (agility, Stamina, Crit, Haste, Fire resistance) 3500/95

Vernerable Mass of McGowan (druid, Rogue, Shaman) 1H Mace (agility, Stamina, Haste, Crit) 2175/75

Balanced Heartseeker (Hunter, Rogue, Shaman) Dagger (agility, crit) 2175/60

Venerable Dal'Rend's Sacred Charge (hunter, Rogue) 1H Sword (Agility, Stamina, Crit) 2175/60

Charmed Ancient Bone Bow (rogue, Hunter) Bow (agility, Crit, Hit) 3500/95
Physical dps in mail and leather (hunter, druid[feral], rogue, Shaman[enhancement])

Inherited Cape of the Black Baron Agility Cloak (agility, Stamin, Crit, Haste, Exp) 1200 Gold

Plate Armor Damage Paladin[retribution], Death Knight[Unholy, Frost], Warrior[arms, fury]
Plate dps

Polished Spaulders of Valor Plate Shoulders (Strength, Stamina, Crit, exp) 2175/60

Polished Breastplate of Valor Plate Robe (Strength, Stamina, Crit, exp) 2175/60

Polished Helm of Valor Plate Helm (Strength, Stamina, Hit, Crit, Exp) 1500 Gold
Weapons Strength Plate classes only

Bloodied Arcanite Reaper 2H Axe (Strength, Stamina, Crit) 3500/95
Physical dps in Plate

Worn Stoneskin Gargoyle Cape Strength Cloak (Strength, Stamina, Crit, Haste, Exp) 1200 Gold

And lets Talk Tanking:
Plate Tank (Warrior, Death Knight, Paladin)

Burnished Pauldrons of Might Plate Shoulders (strength, Stamina, Parry, exp) 2175/60

Burnished Breastplate of Might Plate Robe (Strength, Stamina, Dodge, exp) 2175/60

Our guild hasnt unlocked level 20 just Yet and the websites are not likely Updated yet. Lets hope for one :D
Weapons Tank Plate classes only

Bloodsoaked Skullforge Reaver 1H Sword (Strength, Stamina, Parry) 2175/60
Tank in plate or leather (warrior, death knight, paladin, druid)

Ripped Sandstorm Cloak Tank Cloak (Strength, Stamina, Dodge, Hit, Exp) 1200 Gold

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